Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Some Photos of Bill Gates in China

The new Beijing from inside Microsoft's China HQ. Here the company planned its rebirth in China.

Gates stands on stage with Mr. XU Zhihong, President of Peking University, where he became an honorary trustee and gave a speech about innovation in technology and software.

Computer science students -- here at Tsinghua University -- crowded to hear Gates speak wherever he went. One Chinese leader described Gates as "more famous than any movie star"

The three who turned around Microsoft's China business (from left): Tim Chen, president of Microsoft's Greater China region; Chief Technology Office Craig Mundie; and Gates.

Gates, at his welcome dinner with government leaders in Beijing, is momentarily captivated by a group of Chinese girls performing a traditional dance in his honor.

Gates prepares for a ceremony naming him an honorary trustee of Peking University.

In China, Microsoft does things the Chinese way. Here a private guard stands ceremoniously at the entrance to Microsoft's R&D center in Beijing.

Gates meets with Tsinghua University President Gu Binglin prior to receiving an honorary degree.

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